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R' Ari Neuwirth

539 Classes
Rabbi Ari Neuwirth, menahal of Mesivta Derech HaTorah, is a sought after motivational speaker. His delightful and warm Torah personality, coupled with his passionate delivery and energy, inspires vast audiences across the globe. Recently, Rabbi Neuwirth published his highly acclaimed book entitled “Parenting by the Parasha”. In addition, Rabbi Neuwirth has been releasing a popular series of CD's entitled "Soul Sparks", transforming stories into an experience. Over 26,000 copies have already been sold. Downloads are available on iTunes and Google. Rabbi Neuwirth can be reached at [email protected]

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R' Ari NeuwirthA One Minute Personal Request
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R' Ari NeuwirthHashem Has Spoken
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R' Ari NeuwirthGas of the Neshama
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R' Ari NeuwirthWho’s Giving The Raise?
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R' Ari NeuwirthTransformative Power to Inspire People