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R' Eli Scheller

196 Classes

Born in Brooklyn, NY, Rabbi Eli Scheller discovered the heart of yiddishkeit in Yerushalayim under Rabbi Eliyahu Levine. After he got married he moved back to Israel to receive semicha under Rabbi Yitzchok Berkovits. 

Once he discovered the beauty of Torah, he was on a mission to share it with children who were wondering how Torah was applicable to them in their lives. 

Through his masterful and spell-binding storytelling, he has led the path for thousands of children from all different walks of life to see the connection of Torah in their life. 

To have Rabbi Scheller inspire the youth in your community or school, he can be reached at [email protected]

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R' Eli SchellerProximity Bias
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R' Eli SchellerThe Four Sons - Pesach
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R' Eli SchellerTale #154 - Ziggy
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R' Eli SchellerCHAZAQ Torah Talks #144 - One Story at a Time
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R' Eli SchellerTale #153 - WCIDFSE
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R' Eli SchellerEveryday is a Miracle!
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R' Eli SchellerShine Your Light!