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Mrs. Dina Schoonmaker

11 Classes

Dina Schoonmaker is a teacher, popular lecturer, and relationship counselor.A staff member of Michlalah Jerusalem College for over 20 years. In addition, Dina lectures extensively throughout the seminary circut on topics of personal development through the eyes of the Torah. Dina is a regular respondent in Mishpacha Magazine\'s \"Advice Line\" and has written for \"The Klal Perspectives Journal\", a forum for discussion of challenges facing the Torah community.Most recently, Dina began a series of live mussar vaadim for women throughout Israel. What started as a single small group mushroomed into 10 separate groups as the need for such a forum became obvious. In response to many requests to offer her Vaad internationally, she decided to launch a Vaad by teleconference so that anyone, anywhere, has the opportunity to participate.

Dina lives in Jerusalem with her husband, Dovid, a Rebbe in Aish Hatorah, and their 7 children.

Mrs. Dina SchoonmakerEmuna in the 9 Days
Mrs. Dina SchoonmakerBitachon Fall Learning Series
Mrs. Dina SchoonmakerHishtavus, An Unknown Life Too
Mrs. Dina SchoonmakerShema & Hakpada