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R' Yaron Reuven

92 Classes

Born in Netanya, Israel, Yaron Reuven began his American Dream at the age of 10, when his family immigrated to the United States. Yaron went from newspaper boy at age 10 to a well known self made Wall Street multimillionaire by the age of 23. He was featured on CNBC, Bloomberg and Chinese NDTV. At his peak, he owned a wealth management firm and a hedge fund. At age 26 he faced a 7 year battle for his life after a simple surgery went wrong. From there his life would never be the same. His miraculous Teshuva story and the pursuit of truth is sure to catch the heart of every listener. After 16 years on Wall Street, Yaron founded and decided to dedicate the rest of his life to spreading the truth and divinity of the Torah through scientific proofs, Musar, and many other methods that reach people around the world. He can be reached at [email protected]

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R' Yaron ReuvenA Wakeup Call for Judgement Day
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R' Yaron ReuvenMUSSAR Pirkei Avot (31) Know Before Whom You Stand.
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R' Yaron ReuvenMUSSAR Pirkei Avot (29) Money,Torah and Mashiach
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R' Yaron ReuvenMUSSAR Pirkei Avot (27)Anger Management The Daily Grind
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R' Yaron ReuvenMUSSAR Pirkei Avot (21) Are You Seriously Trying To Fool God?